◎榮獲【2004年聯合報讀書人最佳童書獎】殊榮,並獲曾志朗、洪蘭、劉克襄、凌拂、陳佩正……等多位名家熱情推薦的〈魔數小子〉系列,帶動校園「看繪本學數學」的風潮。遠流【小小科學館】乘勝追擊,再度引進瑪瑞琳.伯恩斯(Marilyn Burns)另一重量級的數學繪本作品---〈Hello Reader!Math〉---〈魔數小子(二)〉。
- ISBN:9789573254973
- 規格:平裝 / 16k / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
Brief Introduction:
Mom always said, "One cat is enough at home." But five abandoned kittens, two old cats that neighbors couldn't take with them, a lost kitten, and an uninvited one. The kittens that came, plus the original one at home, we have a total of ten cats! Fortunately, there are many people who love cats, and we will help them find a new home soon. But it didn't take long for Ma to give birth to four kittens -- and guess what, what would mom say now?
◎The "Magic Numbers" books cover the topics of mathematics for elementary school children in Taiwan, such as odd numbers
Even numbers, classification and combination, logical thinking, time concept, measurement methods, three-dimensional figures, the concept of coins, etc.
◎The expression of this series of mathematical picture books has always been subversive, creative and happy style. With witty and humorous storylines, cheerful and lively paintings
The painting style, coupled with the game activities designed by Burns himself, lead readers of both large and small to "play" mathematics wildly.