【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞	A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs

【小樹苗】資優生必讀的中英魔法字典:片語動詞 A must-read Chinese-English magical dictionary for gifted students: phrasal verbs

$19.99 USD
$19.99 USD



Phrase verbs are one of the commonly used idioms. If you learn to use phrase verbs, you can quickly understand the meaning of Chinese and English. This book selects 500 useful phrases and verbs in daily life, covering seven areas of life, study, dining, transportation, health, mood and level.

Each phrase verb is equipped with word explanation and Chinese pinyin, supplemented by Chinese-English example sentences and cute pictures, easy to learn and use, let children understand the vivid and interesting phrase verbs, easy to learn and use!

Book Category: Chinese
Suitable age: suitable for all ages