一套三冊 - 《找規律》、《找不同》、《偵探推理》,三本有趣的訓練思維遊戲書,讓孩子動動腦,一起腦力激盪,訓練孩子的觀察力、專注力、記憶力和協調能力。
● 提升觀察力:玩《偵探推理》的時候不論是影子、腳印,還是身上的各種特徵,孩子需要明察秋毫,從細節裡找出正確的線索;《找規律》遊戲中,有很多都不是一眼就可以輕易發現的,需要用心觀察每個細節才能發現;玩《找不同》的時候,兩張相似的圖中,有些顏色、位置跟形狀會有不同,孩子需要仔細的觀察細節才能找出答案。可以有效提升觀察力,有利於孩子之後的發展。
● 提升綜合分析能力:孩子將周遭環境、文字提示或是穿的衣服等零碎的片段整合,成功破案;統整出物品排列的不同,找出正確的規律;觀察兩張圖像,找出不同的地方,可以提升孩子的綜合分析能力,對日後的成長發展很有幫助。
● 提升判斷力:想要成為一名合格偵探,需要具備理性的判斷力。我聽說、我看見、我發現……《偵探推理》可以讓孩子學會傾聽,在別人的話語中發現線索,培養孩子的判斷力。
● 訓練專注力:孩子需要集中注意力,才能找出正確的答案。這套遊戲書可以培養孩子的專注力,靜下心來完成一件事情。
● 培養思考能力:不論是找到物品排列的規律、找出圖片的不同、還是推理出正確的犯人,需要經過大腦的思考。孩子在解開謎題的過程中,可以培養思考能力和解決問題的能力,養成孩子愛動腦的習慣。
● 加強記憶力:孩子如果要準確的找到兩幅圖中的不同、或是物品的正確規律,需要在複雜的圖片中記憶各種細微的線索,可以加強孩子在訊息中準確記憶的能力。
● 偵探遊戲:設計多種不同情境主題,孩子依照書中提示,找出正確的答案,訓練思維和推理能力,有助於大腦的鍛鍊,遊戲中也能學習。
● 可愛插畫:童趣可愛的插畫,讓孩子愛不釋手,並刺激孩子視覺,培養美感。
brief introduction
Thinking game book for preschoolers!
A set of three books - "Looking for the Law", "Finding the Difference", "Detective Reasoning." Three interesting thinking game books, let children use their brains, brainstorm together, train children's observation, concentration, memory and coordination ability.
"Detective Reasoning" is a reasoning game book for children to use their brains to think. Let's become a little reasoning detective together! How to find the suspect from the broken photo? The thief is wearing a mask, how can he rely on other clues to find the culprit? A variety of interesting reasoning games for children to train logical thinking in the game.
The game book "Looking for the Rules" has various rules and interesting situations. What are the rules of dressing for little boys? The rules of placing medicine bottles, the rules of placing flower pots... Let's use our brains together, observe carefully, find the correct answer, learn while playing, and develop brain potential!
"Finding the Difference" makes children think with their brains, children, can you find out how the pirated paintings are different from the genuine ones? What's different about the office after the cat's trouble? A variety of interesting themes, think about it, take a look, and find the difference between two similar scenes!
Thinking game book for preschoolers!
A set of three books - "Looking for the Law", "Finding the Difference", "Detective Reasoning." Three interesting thinking game books, let children use their brains, brainstorm together, train children's observation, concentration, memory and coordination ability.
"Detective Reasoning" is a reasoning game book for children to use their brains to think. Let's become a little reasoning detective together! How to find the suspect from the broken photo? The thief is wearing a mask, how can he rely on other clues to find the culprit? A variety of interesting reasoning games for children to train logical thinking in the game.
The game book "Looking for the Rules" has various rules and interesting situations. What are the rules of dressing for little boys? The rules of placing medicine bottles, the rules of placing flower pots... Let's use our brains together, observe carefully, find the correct answer, learn while playing, and develop brain potential!
"Finding the Difference" makes children think with their brains, children, can you find out how the pirated paintings are different from the genuine ones? What's different about the office after the cat's trouble? A variety of interesting themes, think about it, take a look, and find the difference between two similar scenes!