屁屁偵探噗噗!第2集 ~尋找夢幻的彩虹鑽石 Butt Detective #2 - Looking for the Rainbow Diamond
屁屁偵探噗噗!第2集 ~尋找夢幻的彩虹鑽石 Butt Detective #2 - Looking for the Rainbow Diamond
屁屁偵探噗噗!第2集 ~尋找夢幻的彩虹鑽石 Butt Detective #2 - Looking for the Rainbow Diamond
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 屁屁偵探噗噗!第2集 ~尋找夢幻的彩虹鑽石 Butt Detective #2 - Looking for the Rainbow Diamond
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 屁屁偵探噗噗!第2集 ~尋找夢幻的彩虹鑽石 Butt Detective #2 - Looking for the Rainbow Diamond
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 屁屁偵探噗噗!第2集 ~尋找夢幻的彩虹鑽石 Butt Detective #2 - Looking for the Rainbow Diamond

屁屁偵探噗噗!第2集 ~尋找夢幻的彩虹鑽石 Butt Detective #2 - Looking for the Rainbow Diamond

$11.99 USD
$11.99 USD


  • 畫風可愛討喜,角色造型、特質鮮明逗趣,娛樂性十足,能讓大、小讀者都愛不釋手。
  • 以孩子最喜歡的閱讀類型,「推理」、「找一找」等互動功能,培養細微的觀察能力。
  • 隨著案情進展,訓練孩子思考、辨識、組織、表達等能力,愈玩愈聰明!
  • 豐富的圖像充滿可解讀的細節,埋下許多伏筆,每次翻閱都會有新發現,值得一看再看。







除了屁屁偵探與他的搭檔小狗布朗外,在首集《屁屁偵探 噗噗!找回消失的人氣點心》中亮相的鎮上居民這回也有入鏡喔,巧妙的安排既不妨礙新讀者進入這個故事,同時也讓「老」讀者一見他們就忍不住會心一笑!

※後蝴蝶頁的《NEWS新聞報 第二號》,一樣透露許多趣味與「玄機」,精心設計的內容,引導讀者回頭發覺在文字敘述之外,由前後圖像細節所串接起的「路人甲乙丙丁的生活小故事」!

This is the second book of the popular Butt Detective series!

Butt Detective is at it again!  This time, his client belongs to the town's richest family.  Someone has stolen the family's money.  But their true target is the "Rainbow Diamond", a dream gem that is said to emit colourful lights.  Where is it?

Help Butt Detective find the Rainbow Diamond before it's too late!  Search along with Detective as they look around the mansion looking for clues.

Each step of the way, the reader is asked to help the detective with a puzzle - making it interactive and fun while reading and looking for clues.  When the main mystery is solved, the jacket of the book cover will offer more puzzles to solve.  It's a book that you can revisit and enjoy again and again!