九九乘法有聲書:FOOD超人 (廣東話版女聲)99 Multiplication Audiobook: FOOD Superman (Female Cantonese Version)
九九乘法有聲書:FOOD超人 (廣東話版女聲)99 Multiplication Audiobook: FOOD Superman (Female Cantonese Version)
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 九九乘法有聲書:FOOD超人 (廣東話版女聲)99 Multiplication Audiobook: FOOD Superman (Female Cantonese Version)
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 九九乘法有聲書:FOOD超人 (廣東話版女聲)99 Multiplication Audiobook: FOOD Superman (Female Cantonese Version)

九九乘法有聲書:FOOD超人 (廣東話版女聲)99 Multiplication Audiobook: FOOD Superman (Female Cantonese Version)

$24.99 USD
$24.99 USD





  1.    兩段式念謠與歌謠,促進孩子左右腦發展:

  2.    內含九九乘法表與小遊戲,讓孩子輕鬆學習:

  3.    可愛FOOD超人圖案,陪孩子一同學習:

  4.    陪同孩子一起歡唱學乘法,增進親子間的親密互動:


  1.    先念再唱,兩段式九九乘法歌謠,讓孩子搭配輕鬆學習。
  2.    內含1~9的九九乘法表與簡易迷宮遊戲,讓孩子奠定數學基礎。
  3.    搭配豐富的圖畫與九九乘法表,促進孩子的全腦開發。
  4.  陪同孩子一同唸唸唱唱,加深記憶,增進親子間的親密互動。

Children, can you memorize the nine-nine multiplication table?
Come and follow FOOD Superman, chanting and singing together, the ninety-nine multiplication is really simple!

Product features:

1. Two-stage chanting ballads and ballads promote the development of children's left and right brains:
The well-designed nine-nine method of reciting ballads, lets the children read it first to inspire the understanding of the left brain, and then sing along with the happy ballads to promote the right brain to deepen the memory and develop the mathematical potential of the whole brain.

2. Contains ninety-nine multiplication tables and mini games, allowing children to easily learn:
The small book contains the multiplication table of numbers 1~9, as well as simple multiplication maze mini-games, allowing children to learn basic multiplication easily with happy songs.

3. Cute FOOD superman pattern, accompany children to learn together:
With cute FOOD Superman inner page illustrations, stimulate children's vision and hearing, accompany children to learn together, and lay a foundation for mathematics.

4. Accompany the children to sing and learn multiplication together to enhance the intimate interaction between parents and children:
Parents can accompany their children to read and sing together, increase their interest in the Ninety-Nine Multiplication, strengthen their memory, and enhance the intimate interaction between parents and children.

Product function:

  1. First read and then sing, two-stage nine-nine multiplication ballads, allowing children to learn with ease.
  2. The ninety-nine multiplication table and simple maze game with 1~9 are included, allowing children to lay a foundation for mathematics.
  3. With rich pictures and ninety-nine multiplication tables, it can promote the development of children's whole brain.
  4. Accompany the children to read and sing together to deepen memory and enhance the intimate interaction between parents and children.