● 加強專注力:玩迷宮的時候,因為路線多變,蜿蜒曲折,需要高度專心、集中注意力才不會眼花撩亂;玩貼紙跟視覺大發現的時候,為了在豐富的畫面中找出正確的圖案跟貼紙,孩子需要高度集中注意力,才不會被畫面中的其他圖像干擾,可以加強孩子的專注力。
● 培養觀察力:玩迷宮時需要仔細觀察每條路線的走向,才能成功到達終點;玩貼紙遊戲可以讓孩子思考:貼紙應該和圖中的哪個位置匹配?這個場景需要貼上哪張貼紙?都需要孩子仔細觀察和思考;視覺大發現裡,孩子需要觀察每張圖給的線索提示,才能找出小女孩想要的麵包以及埋在地下的寶藏。
● 加強思考力與執行力:孩子不斷進行嘗試,發現答案錯誤時會重新選擇,可以加強思考能力和執行力,並培養面對挫折不放棄的精神。
● 發展手眼協調能力:玩迷宮的時候,孩子用視覺感官看清路線,大腦分析判斷,最後再指揮小手沿著路線前進,訓練手眼協調;通過「撕下貼紙」和「把貼紙貼在正確的位置上」的動作,也可以培養手與腦、手與眼睛的協調能力。
● 提升記憶力:孩子需要先記住每張圖給的線索提示,從而理解、記憶圖像的特點,才能快速又準確的在豐富的畫面中找出正確答案,對孩子的記憶力很有幫助。
● 情境迷宮:每個迷宮遊戲都有不同主題情境,拯救人質、逃離地洞……孩子不只是單純的玩迷宮,而是依據提示完成,融入情境,讓迷宮遊戲更有趣。
● 有趣貼紙:每個貼紙遊戲都有不同主題,有訓練邏輯思維的遊戲、食物分類、垃圾分類、數字規律、推理等各種認知遊戲,有趣又好玩。
● 找一找遊戲:設計多種不同情境主題,孩子依照書中提示,找出正確的答案,訓練思維和觀察力,得到成就感。
Thinking game book for preschoolers! A set of three volumes "Walking the Maze", "Playing with Stickers" and "Visual Discovery"
Three interesting game books for training thinking, let children use their brains, brainstorm together, and train children's observation, memory, concentration and coordination skills!
Three interesting game books for training thinking, let children use their brains, brainstorm together, and train children's observation, memory, concentration and coordination skills!
There are more than 30 fun maze games in "Maze Walk", which are indispensable for children's childhood. There are well-designed interesting situations, so that children can not only play mazes and increase the fun; there are also various tortuous routes to challenge children's abilities and get a full sense of achievement!
"Playing Stickers" has a variety of rich themes, play with stickers with hands, help little moles put on hats, learn the classification of food and garbage, color recognition, number sequence, logical thinking games, etc.
"Visual Discovery" is a game book for children to find the correct pattern according to the prompts in the book. Which is Mr. Rabbit's pocket watch? Where are the treasures buried in the ground? Come and have a look! Rich and interesting themes challenge children's vision, so that children can also train their own observation, memory and concentration in the game!
"Playing Stickers" has a variety of rich themes, play with stickers with hands, help little moles put on hats, learn the classification of food and garbage, color recognition, number sequence, logical thinking games, etc.
"Visual Discovery" is a game book for children to find the correct pattern according to the prompts in the book. Which is Mr. Rabbit's pocket watch? Where are the treasures buried in the ground? Come and have a look! Rich and interesting themes challenge children's vision, so that children can also train their own observation, memory and concentration in the game!